The good news is, the project did not fade into the same oblivion as this little blog. While there are still some monthly resolutions from 2010 that still need to be met (ahem, willing some grace into my two left feet), many were met with reckless abandon.
My proudest hobby A.D.D. accomplishment from 2010 = signing up for a community garden plot. Last April, my dear sweet husband and I agreed to tend to 121' of fresh new garden turf. We had an individual plot and raised herb bed among 20 other gardeners in East Lansing, MI. Obviously, this commitment spanned more than the 30 days I had originally assigned. The Hubby and I planted tomatoes (lots and lots of tomatoes!), peppers, chilis (scaling the Scoville heat measurements), cukes, melons, arugula, lettuce, and 15 different kinds of herbs. We were pleasantly surprised at how much we liked spending hours in the dirt. We weeded by hand. We ate our produce right from the ground. Our little group of gardeners shared insights, tools, recipes, and homemade iced tea. We celebrated our harvests with potlucks and a participated in a Community Garden tour. The experience literally helped us lay down roots in Michigan-- something I wasn't sure I would do when we first moved out here.
More soon on last year's resolutions and this year's intentions. In the mean time, here are some reminders of sweet, sweet summertime and the innate instinct to grow (in many different ways).